Retirement Planning

Living at a level of comfort you’re used to when you retire requires taking steps to ensure that you have enough money. Retirement planning involves examining your goals for retirement, and then figuring how much you need to meet those objectives. You need to figure-out when to start investing and saving, how much you need to save, and what you may expect to receive from other sources such as Social Security. Retirement objectives, costs and resources are issues you need to take stock of before you quit working. Otherwise, you may find that you can’t afford to stop working.

Risk Free Retirement

So what is the cost of having a retirement that is essentially free of financial risk?

Longevity Report

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Too Many Choices

8,000+ mutual fund choices available.

For every ten mutual funds an employer offers in defined contribution plans, the rate of participation goes down 2 percent.

Factors Affecting Happiness in Retirement

Related to the recent blog post discussing the Panis study on the link between annuities and retirement well-being, there is a paper from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College that is titled: "What Makes Retirees Happy."

The paper, which can be accessed by clicking here, was written in 2005 by Keith A. Bender and Natalia A. Jivan.

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