Lump Sum

A single and comprehensive payment.

Full List of Annuity Types

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Annuity Digest Buying Guide: Comprehensive List of Annuity Types

The full menu or “laundry list” of

What is an Annuity

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Annuity Digest Buying Guide: What is an Annuity

An annuity is a financial product that converts accumulated savings into guaranteed income.  In a very basic sense, annuities:

  • Turn a sum of money into a series of payments or a “stream of income.” 
  • Guarantee the stream of income over a specific timeframe.


Annuities and Other Forms of Guaranteed Income are Priorities for the Obama Administration

Much has been written over the past couple of weeks about the Obama Administration's support of annuities.

The New York Times ran a story about the "unloved annuity getting a hug from Obama."

Bloomberg featured an article in its personal finance section describing the potential, the pitfalls and the overall industry enthusiasm surrounding in-plan annuities.

The federal government has posted a...

Federal Government Requests Advice on Use of Annuities in Retirement Plans

A handfull of federal agencies have posted a request in the Federal Register. The agencies are requesting information and advice on the use of annuities and other lifetime income products in employer sponsored retirement plans such as 401ks. Comments are due May 3. The interest stems from the prevalence of defined contribution retirement plans such as 401ks and the fact that most participants in these retirement plans distribute their savings in the form of a lump sum rather than a stream of...
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Senate Bill 2832 Could Transform Retirement Income Market

While an initial step, Senate bill 2832 could set the course for significant changes in the retirement income industry. The bill would amend the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) which governs defined contribution plans such as the 401k . Plan sponsors would be required to provide plan participants with an annual statement that shows what the value of their retirement account would be in terms of guaranteed monthly payments--in other words, annuity payments . The bill is intended...
