Lump Sum

A single and comprehensive payment.

Focus on Income Needs Rather than "Magic Number" When Planning for Retirement

Determining income needs is the critical factor in successful retirement planning . Reaching a desired amount of savings is useful, but translating that lump sum of savings into an income stream that lasts for many years is the most important financial planning challenge that retirees face. "“When it comes to retirement planning, Americans need to look beyond the ‘number,’” said Fishbein. “We all know what the number is: That magic dollar figure that, when reached, means you’re set in...
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Retirement Crisis Brewing with Lump Sum Distributions of 401(k) Plans

"Unlike traditional pensions, which provide participants with a steady stream of income for as long as they live, 401(k) plans generally pay out benefits as lump sums. Lump-sum payments mean that retirees have to decide how much to withdraw each year. That's really hard to do, because people don't know how long they are going to live. If they live longer than expected, they face the horrible prospect of running out of money in old age...The way to have the highest standard of living in...
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What are the differences between variable, fixed and immediate annuities?

There are many, many different types of annuities. 

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What are some rules of thumb for fixed income ppl choosing between bonds and annuities with their lump sum retirement payouts?

This is a great question but it is difficult to answer briefly. 

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