Financial Advisor

A financial advisor is a professional who works to help their clients meet and manage their most important financial goals in life. A fundamental goal of a financial advisor is to increase the net worth of their clients over time, while protecting them from risks such as loss of income due to disability, premature death and long-term care expenses. Financial advisors will also work with clients in the areas of tax planning, estate planning, and retirement income planning and asset decumulation.

Annuity Fees and Expenses

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Annuity Digest Buying Guide: Annuity Fees and Expenses

Expenses should be a top priority for any financial services consumer.  Many people have been conditioned to be aware of expenses when it comes to investment products.  Indexed-bases investment management companies such as


Product Availability and Distribution Channels

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Annuity Digest Buying Guide: Product Access and Distribution

Product Availability

Just because an insurance company offers a particular type of product does not mean that it is available in your state of residence.


Insurance Company Hedging

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Annuity Digest Buying Guide: Insurance Company Hedging

Insurance companies take in huge amounts of money from policyholders.  Part of the purpose of an insurance company is to invest the massive amount of policyholder funds.

Much of the money is invested in bonds or fixed income, some can be invested in stocks or equities, and portions can be invested in real estate, hedge funds, venture capital, etc.

Seminars and Free Lunch

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Annuity Digest Buying Guide: Seminars and Free Lunch

Similar to lead generation, free seminars and meals are essentially marketing tools that are intended to generate interest among prospective customers.

Marketing can prove valuable and informative.  Much depends on the quality of the financial advisor—a knowledgeable advisor can lead a productive session.
