Conning Research

Stagnant Annuity Market - Conning Study

Conning Research & Consulting recently published a report on the individual annuity market.

The U.S. indivual annuity market is increasingly concentrated and has suffered from less than robust growth rates over the past several years.


U.S. Life Insurance Industry in Stable Condition

The U.S. life insurance industry--which includes companies that provide annuity -based products--has stabilized somewhat during 2009. Conning Research predicts net after tax statutory income of $16 billion in 2009. This is despite $20 billion in capital losses for the industry in 2009. Annuities were the most painful and volatile segement for insurers, producing a $4 billion loss in the combined 2008 - 2009 period. Much of this came from losses on living benefit guarantees associated with...
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