
An asset any item of tangible or intangible value that entails a future benefit. For example, funds in a 401(K) are assets that can be converted into retirement funds or income at a future date.

Retirement Planning Options

What options are available to a soon-to-be retired household that is financially constrained?  What levers can be pulled if desired retirement spending is not realistic in light of retirement savings?

The financial profile we developed in related articles offers a case study of a financially constrained household.
What options are available to a soon-to-be retired household that is financially constrained?  What levers can be pulled if desired retirement spending is not realistic in light...

The Odds of a Successful Retirement

The odds of financial success in retirement for the typical American household are less than ten percent.

This is based on the financial profile of an American household that would be considered statistically average.  We developed the financial profile of an average American retiree in a previous article (click here to read).  

The summary of the financial profile of our hypothetical retiree--referred to as William--is as follows:

  • William needs to generate $40,038 per year in after tax
  • ...

New Portfolio Management Technologies Could Further Commoditize Investment Advisory Services

Simple, web-based portfolio management tools have been proliferating over the past couple of years.

As reported recently by Bloomberg, companies such as Folio Investing, MarketRiders and Flat Fee Portfolios are providing subscription-based...

New Health Care Expense Software is Taking Aim at a Retirement Planning Void

There is a strong case to be made for health care as the linchpin of retirement planning.  Virtually...

RMS Model Provides a New Perspective on Longevity Risk

Risk Management Solutions (RMS) is well known as a leader in the area of catastrophe modeling and analytics.  The company provides its services to a broad range of insurers, reinsurers, consultants and capital markets participants who are active in the property and casualty insurance industry.

More recently, the company has developed resources that focus on life and health risks.  Though initially focused on...
