Human Capital

Human capital is a key concept in life-cycle investing. Human capital is simply the value of a person's labor income or earnings over the course of their lifetime. Technically, human capital is the present value of future earnings. For example, assume a person is 40 years old and plans to work for an annual salary of $75,000 for the next 25 years. Using a discount rate of 3.5%, the value of this person's human capital is $1,236,113.

Prepare to Rely on Human Capital Rather than Financial Capital

In his most recent Investment Outlook letter, PIMCO founder Bill Gross suggests that investors need to prepare for difficult adjustments in a world of near zero real returns from financial capital

Gross describes the dying cult of equity that has evolved over the past century, and advises readers to expect future equity returns that are much less than 6.6 percent average real return (the “Siegel constant”) since 1912. 

Gross considers the 6.6 percent real return on stocks since 1912 to be an “historical freak, a mutation likely never to be seen again as far as we mortals are concerned.” 

This view is based in part...

Key Phrases Autotag: 

The Best Financial Planning Resources are Affordable and Far Removed from Wall Street

Laurence Kotlikoff is a Professor of Economics and Boston University. Professor Kotlikoff is one of the nation’s leading experts on fiscal policy, national saving and personal finance. 

Professor Kotlikoff is the author or co-author of 15 books and he publishes extensively in newspapers, magazines and blogs on issues of personal finance, financial reform, taxes,...


Retirement Planning Options

What options are available to a soon-to-be retired household that is financially constrained?  What levers can be pulled if desired retirement spending is not realistic in light of retirement savings?

The financial profile we developed in related articles offers a case study of a financially constrained household.
What options are available to a soon-to-be retired household that is financially constrained?  What levers can be pulled if desired retirement spending is not realistic in light...

Veritat Offers Comprehensive, Fee-Only Financial Planning Services that are Affordable and Scalable

Veritat is a start-up seeking to leverage process and technology innovation to scale a business model that is typically saddled with persistent and burdensome variable costs.  If successful, Veritat will be able to deliver premium services to a mass audience.

As a registered investment advisor (RIA) that adheres to the fiduciary standard, Veritat provides comprehensive financial planning services through financial advisors who are employed by the company and share a common sense of mission.

We spoke with Dr. Kent Smetters who is the President of Veritat and a professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. 


Annuity Digest: How did Veritat come into existence?

Dr. Kent Smetters:...


Francois Gadenne and the Formation of the Retirement Income Industry

Francois Gadenne is the Chairman and Executive Director of the Retirement Income Industry Association (RIIA).

Formed in 2006, RIIA is bringing together the leading minds and resources in the relatively young retirement income industry.  RIIA members include leading academics, banks, insurers, fund companies,...
