
Research Questions Role of Asset Allocation in Retirement

Research from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College suggests that asset allocation is a relatively ineffective factor in creating a secure foundation of retirement income . The research examines and compares the effectiveness of a handful of levers that have the potential to contribute to a solid foundation of retirement income. Among the levers or contributing factors considered are: Asset Allocation Working Longer A Reverse Mortgage Spending Less The various retirement income...

Taiwan’s Asset Deflation Linked to Demographics

Much has been written about the link between Japan’s aging society and the asset deflation that the country has experienced over the past 22 years. There is a disconcerting correlation between the progression of Japan’s aging society and the relentless bout of deflation that began after the Nikkei peaked in 1989. A similar and equally distressing story exists in Taiwan. Taiwan is one of the most rapidly aging societies in the world, and similar to Japan, its population is shrinking...
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GAO Retirement Income Study Bullish on Annuities

At the request of Wisconsin Senator Herb Kohl, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) just released a study that provides an assessment of the current state of the retirement income market in the United States.

For those interested in retirement income, the study is full of interesting data and conclusions. ...

Disconnect Between Retirement Savings and Income Highlighted by JP Morgan Report

The majority of Americans are keenly interested in retirement income , but they are unable to make the connection between how their retirement savings translates to income. A recent survey and related report from JP Morgan indicates that 86 percent of 401k plan participants acknowledge that they need to know how much of their pre-retirement income they will be able to replace. At the same time, however, two thirds of the survey respondents indicate that they have no idea how much they need to...

Reverse Mortgage Data

There is a case to be made for home equity as the most important source of retirement funding in the United States, and this would seem to make the...

