Purchase Credits are Great for Longer Time Horizon

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There are 4 variable annuities that are part of the Premier Retirement VA series from Prudential.

The 4 VAs are labeled B series, C series, L series and X series.

The thing that makes this variable annuity--the X series--different from the other 3 is the purchase credits.

Credits are applied to any payments made during the first 4 years that the person owns the annuity.  Right now, the purchase credit level is 6 percent for annuity owners who are younger than 82, and 3 percent for people age 82-85.

The premium purchase credits allow annuity owners to build their contract value faster than they would be able to otherwise.

The flipside of the purchase credits is an expense structure and surrender charge schedule that is a bit higher thant the other VAs in this series.