Financial Advisor

A financial advisor is a professional who works to help their clients meet and manage their most important financial goals in life. A fundamental goal of a financial advisor is to increase the net worth of their clients over time, while protecting them from risks such as loss of income due to disability, premature death and long-term care expenses. Financial advisors will also work with clients in the areas of tax planning, estate planning, and retirement income planning and asset decumulation.

Retirement Income Planning

Yet another interesting article from Darla Mercado at Investment News discusses the push among financial advisors to consider annuity purchases in the context of a larger retirement planning process.

Majority of Wealthy Americans Concerned about Longevity Risk

A recent survey conducted by Bank of America indicates that the majority of wealthy Americans are concerned about outliving their savings in retirement. The BofA survey results reveal that 53 percent of respondents are concerned about making their savings last through retirement, and 59 percent cite healthcare costs as a major concern. A surprising 67 percent of BofA survey respondents said that they did not work with a financial advisor for retirement planning . The survey focuses on...

Variable Annuity Assets Recovering from Financial Crisis Lows

Variable annuity net asset values have recovered to pre-financial crisis levels. Buoyant capital markets over the past several months have resulted in the first increase in variable annuity net asset values in fifteen months. Gross variable annuity sales in the third quarter of 2009 were $31 billion. Qualified sales were $20.8 billion while non-qualified sales were $10.2 billion. Net sales of variable annuities in the third quarter were only $2.8 billion, which begs the question of why there...

The Top Reasons to Consider an Annuity

Annuities are complex, largely misunderstood, and often misrepresented in popular financial media.

The reality, though, is that these financial products are becoming an increasingly important part of the financial plans of millions of people around the world.  In fact, annuities are a vital component of the...
