
For Retail Investors Who Want to Sleep at Night

It is the afternoon (markets are closed) of August 9 2011, and millions of retail investors around the world must be asking themselves whether they can continue to stomach the gut-wrenching capital market...

Demography and Deflation

Japan’s experience over the past 20 years provides solid support for those who believe that there is a causal link between demographics...

Purple Health Plan Focuses on Entitlement Reform

Boston University Economics Professor Laurence Kotlikoff has provided a conceptual alternative to Medicare, and he is seeking support of the new health care initiative in the form of endorsements of The Purple Health Plan.

Kotlikoff provides frequent commentary on the dire state of government finances in the United States.  Health care spending and Medicare are fundamental drivers of this fiscal distress, and Professor Kotlikoff is seeking consensus on viable alternatives to Medicare.

The Purple Health Plan seeks to cap the government's liability by turning the defined benefit Medicare program into a voucher-based defined contribution system.

Additional features of the proposed health plan...

Annuities in Japan

The Japanese...

Key Phrases Autotag: 

David Stipp on Anti-Aging Science and the Need to Hedge Longevity Risk in Retirement

David Stipp has written about science, medicine, the environment and biotech since 1982 for The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Salon, Science and other publications. He led Fortune’s science and medical coverage from 1995 to 2005 as a senior writer, and from 1982 to 1995 covered science and medicine as a staff reporter at The Wall Street Journal. Over the past decade he has written extensively on the science of aging.  In 1998 he won a National Association of Science Writers’ award for best magazine article, and in 1993-4 served as a Knight Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

David’s most recent book, The Youth...
