Capital Market Risk

Sometimes referred to as investment risk, capital market risk is a term that refers to one of the risks associated with investing. Capital markets such as the stock, bond, foreign currency and derivatives markets are considered risky because of the constantly changing prices of the securities that are traded. In other words, security prices are volatile. Securities prices are not influenced just by their fundamentals, but also by broader market influences such as economic news, political developments, currency movements, or even “black-swan” unexpected events such as a massive earthquake, tsunami or general market panic. While debatable, some consider price volatility to be a proxy for risk. The risk of financial loss associated with either choosing to or being forced to sell a security when prices have declined is what is meant by capital market risk.

Annuities in Japan

The Japanese...

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Hartford Financial Hit with Downgrade from Fitch Ratings

Fitch Ratings cut their ratings on Hartford Financial Services Group to two steps above junk status. Analysts are concerned about Hartford's decision to pause or cancel annuity sales in Japan, Germany and the U.K. Hartford has also begun implementing major changes to its U.S. based variable annuity business. Hartford is one of the life and annuity insurers that has been particularly hard hit by the capital market risk and volatility that has been rampant during the financial crisis. Source:...