Cost actually compares pretty favorably

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Some feedback in light of the review that criticizes the Masterdex X annuity based on cost.

75 basis points for a lifetime income rider is actually pretty reasonable on a comparative basis.

Many of the variable annuity products on the market right now have living benefit riders that cost as much as 1.25 - 1.5 percent.

.75 percent for various forms of lifetime income guarantees is not out of line.

I'm always amazed by people who think these insurance / lifetime income guarantees should be free or next to free.  Of course it costs something to contractually guarantee income for the remaining lifetime of an individual or couple.

If it was so simple and inexpensive then everyone in the financial services industry would be providing these guarantees.  This would create the "race to the bottom" that exists in the mutual fund and ETF business.

You get what you pay for and the market is not completely irrational. Actively managed mutual funds should cease to exist and passive funds should be offered for less than 20 basis points.

Providing lifetime income at 20 basis points may well be in the cards in the future, but the market is just not there yet.

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