
A contract that involves the insured paying a premium to an insurance company in exchange for protection against the risk of a large loss.

Who Provides Longevity Insurance

The U.S. longevity insurance market has been developing for almost a decade, and yet there are still...

The Best Financial Planning Resources are Affordable and Far Removed from Wall Street

Laurence Kotlikoff is a Professor of Economics and Boston University. Professor Kotlikoff is one of the nation’s leading experts on fiscal policy, national saving and personal finance. 

Professor Kotlikoff is the author or co-author of 15 books and he publishes extensively in newspapers, magazines and blogs on issues of personal finance, financial reform, taxes,...


What is Driving the Rush for the Variable Annuity Exit?


Slow and Steady at SunAmerica Proving Variable Annuity Business Not as Bad as it Seems

Despite a barrage of negative press, it appears that SunAmerica ’s measured approach to the variable annuity business is demonstrating that the successful production of variable annuities is similar to most other lines of insurance. The Hartford ’s recent decision to exit the variable annuity business entirely is attributable in part to their management’s (under significant shareholder pressure) view that the VA business is capital intensive and has relatively unattractive...

The Best Time to Buy an Annuity Depends on Mortality

A basic life annuity makes payments when the annuity owner is alive.   

In this sense, an annuity is the reverse of...

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