Insurance Company

A financial entity that pools risk and provides insurance coverage to individuals and organizations.

State Guarantee Funds

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Annuity Digest Buying Guide: State Guarantee Funds

All states have what are referred to as state guarantee funds.  Operated by departments of insurance, guarantee funds are insurance funds that receive contributions from carriers that operate in the state.

Insurance Company Hedging

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Annuity Digest Buying Guide: Insurance Company Hedging

Insurance companies take in huge amounts of money from policyholders.  Part of the purpose of an insurance company is to invest the massive amount of policyholder funds.

Much of the money is invested in bonds or fixed income, some can be invested in stocks or equities, and portions can be invested in real estate, hedge funds, venture capital, etc.

The Importance of Credit Quality

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Annuity Digest Buying Guide: The Importance of Credit Quality

Credit quality basically refers to overall financial health and the ability of a person or company to fulfill their financial obligations.  In other words, can the person or company pay their bills.
