Elite Access offered by Jackson National

Type of Product Variable Annuity
Product NameElite Access
Offered byJackson National
Company Info

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Contract and Purchasing
Minimum Premium Payment5,000
Maximum Premium Payment2,500,000
Minimum Additional Premium Payment500
Ability to Select Asset AllocationYes
Total Number of Investment Options40 [Find annuities with more investment options]
Fixed Account
Features and Benefits
Guaranteed Death BenefitAvailable
Are Telephone Transactions AllowedYes
Fees and Expenses
Minimum Mortality and Expense Risk Charge "M&E Fee"0.85 [Find annuities with lower mortality and expense fees]
Maximum Mortality and Expense Risk Charge "M&E Fee"1 [Find annuities with lower mortality and expense fees]
Administrative Fee50.00 [Find annuities with lower administrative fees]
Contract Maintenance Fee0.15 [Find annuities with lower contract maintenance fees]
Early Withdrawal Charges / Surrender Fees Request Access
Minimum Investment Management Fee0.57 [Find annuities with lower investment management fees]
Maximum Investment Management Fee2.45 [Find annuities with lower investment management fees]
Sales Compensation
Maximum Commissions6 [Find annuities with lower commissions] [Find annuities with higher commissions]
Contact Information
Company OfferingJackson National
Company TypeInsurance Company
Phone Number877-565-2968
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Reviews and Ratings
Average Review

5/5 from 5 Reviews

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Product Ratings and Reviews

Average: 5 (1 vote)

This is a pretty interesting product that appears to have been design for the investment environment that we live in today.

Other reviews discuss the alternative and tactical asset allocation categories and options that are part of this variable annuity.

There is also what is referred to as the "packaged options."

The 3 packaged options come from Curian Capital.

In a nutshell, the packaged options seek to offer long-term upside exposure and growth while limiting downside exposure and short-term losses.

The blend of these 2 overall categories varies among the 3 packages, and the package names refect this:

  1. Aggressive
  2. Income
  3. Diversified

Allocations between the 2 broad asset categories are continually evaluated by Curian and can be adjusted on a day-to-day basis.

Pretty cool.  So many investment advisors loosely refer to risk management.  These packaged options actually make day-to-day professional risk management a reality--not something that needs to be managed by the contract owner or their investment advisor.



2,835 reads
Average: 5 (1 vote)

In addition to what would be lumped under the "alternative" investment category, the Elite Access product offers a fund line-up that provides tactical management.

As Jackson describes it, tactical approaches seek to exploit strong market sectors and inefficiencies among asset classes.

The tactical investment options include:

  • Curian Tactical Advantage 75
  • Curian Tactical Advantage 60
  • Curian Tactical Advantage 35
  • JNL/BlackRock Global Allocation
  • JNL/Ivy Asset Strategy


2,756 reads
Average: 5 (1 vote)

There is, in fact, an optional liquidity rider that can be attached to the Elite Access variable annuity from Jackson National.

This is a pretty interesting feature.  Not sure that it exists anywhere else and should receive wider coverage as it could help silence many of the variable annuity critics who harp on withdrawal charges and costs.

The Liquidity Option is explained in the prospectus.

Pretty simple actually.

The contract owner can elect to purchase the Liquidity Option.

If they do so, the 5 year surrender fee schedule is waived.

The quid pro quo is an annual fee in exchange for this waiver.

25 basis points per year is added to the costs.

As Jackson explains in their prospectus:

"the 0.25% is on an annual basis of the Daily Contract Value...regardless of whether you take any withdrawals.  Charges are deducted daily as part of the calculation of the value of the Accumulation Units.  We stop deducting this charge on the date you annuitize."



2,824 reads
Average: 5 (1 vote)

As the other reviewer indicates, the Elite Access variable annuity from Jackson National offers an innovative line-up of non-traditional investment options.

This should prove attractive to almost any retail investor who has lived and suffered through the last 12 years of ups and mostly downs in the market.

Jackson National has seemed to pull this off while keeping control of costs.

The surrender schedule is not prohibitive.  a 5 year withdrawal charge that works as follows:

  1. 6.5
  2. 6
  3. 5
  4. 4
  5. 3
  6. 0

There is also an optional liquidity option that seems to provide a waiver of any withdrawal charges in exchange for 25 basis points annually.

2,629 reads

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