Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit

A guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit (GLWB) is also referred to as a guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit for life. The GLWB is an optional “living benefit” guarantee that can be embedded into a variable annuity product. The GLWB allows the contract holder to, at a minimum, withdraw a fixed percentage of the total annuity premiums each year regardless of market performance. The income payments are guaranteed for life. The GLWB does not require annuitization. For example, Catherine invests $150,000 into a variable annuity and selects a GLWB that provides 4% annually. The capital markets have performed terribly and as a result the variable annuity contract value is only $75,000 at the end of 10 years. Catherine is in a good position though because she will receive $6,000 ($150,000 x 4%) per year for the remainder of her life. This lifetime income is guaranteed and is not limited to the amount of the initial $150,000 premium payment.

New Retirement Income Annuity from Fidelity and MetLife

Two leading companies are partnering to provide a new annuity offering. MetLife has developed the "MetLife Growth and Guaranteed Income (MGGI)" product that will be distributed exclusively through Fidelity . The MGGI is a deferred variable annuity that contains a guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit ( GLWB ) that, depending on the age of the client, ranges between 4 and 6 percent of the initial single premium. Fidelity will manage a relatively simply fund offering and the M&E fees on the...

Standalone Living Benefits Provide Guaranteed Income without Annuities


MetLife Introduces Low Cost Variable Annuity

MetLife recently announced the launch of a simple, low cost variable annuity called Simple Solutions. The Simple Solutions variable annuity will be sold through banks and is intended to address retirees and near-retirees in the range of 60-80 years of age. Features and highlights include: A guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit of up to 6% of the initial investment if withdrawals begin after age 76, 5% between 65 and 75, and 4% if before age 65. Automatic annual increases of the GLWB if the...
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Vanguard Applies for Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit (GLWB) Rider

Vanguard is seen expanding variable annuity features with an SEC application for a guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit ( GLWB ). The precise cost of the rider, which can apply to one owner or joint owners, and the payout rates at various age bands were left blank in the application, although Vanguard provided an example that set the rider cost at one percent of the income base. The minimum initial payment is $5,000 and a $25 annual fee is assessed when the account value drops below $25,000...
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