Social Security

Social Security refers to a set of benefit programs established and run by the federal government. The Social Security program is commonly identified with old age or retirement benefits and with disability benefits. The program was created in 1935 as part of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal initiative. Medicare and Medicaid are also social insurance programs established and administered by the federal government, but they are separate from Social Security. Social Security is a “pay-as-you-go” entitlement program. This means that current tax revenue is used to support current beneficiaries. In other words, there are no assets set aside to fund future benefit payments. When combined with demographic trends (i.e. an aging society), the pay-as-you-go funding approach is a feature that brings into question the sustainability of Social Security. Currently, Social Security is funded largely through payroll or “FICA” taxes which are a blend of employee and employer contributions that come from taxes on the wages of workers and the self-employed. Whether you’re employed or are self-employed, Social Security taxes amount to 10.4% of earnings, with the applicable earnings capped by a ceiling that is adjusted every year. The earliest age to get retirement benefits is 62, but the longer you wait, the higher the benefits. The average Social Security benefit in January 2012 is $1,229 per month. Social Security benefits are inflation-adjusted with increases pegged to the consumer price index (CPI). Social Security is the sole source of retirement income for 22 percent of beneficiaries, and the program is the majority (greater than 50 percent) source of retirement income for 66 percent of beneficiaries.

National Retirement Index Shows Majority of Americans at Risk

The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College maintains a national retirement index that measures the percentage of Americans who are at risk of being unable to maintain their standard of living in retirement. The most recent index results, which incorporate the impact of the financial crisis, reveal that 51 percent of Americans are at risk of being unable to maintain their standard of living in retirement. This is a 7 percent increase from the previous index results. Factors attributing...

How to Determine a Sustainable Level of Retirement Spending

What is the probability that a given level of spending is realistic or “sustainable” throughout one’s retirement?

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Social Security Frozen While Goldman Sets Aside $16.7 Billion for Employee Bonuses

50 million Social Security recipients will have to live without a cost of living adjustment in 2010. Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs has set aside $16.7 billion for employee bonuses--an average of $526,814 per employee. And this is just a start for Goldman. The company is on pace to set aside a total of $21 billion for 2009 bonuses, and amount in the range of records set in 2007. Take a look at both of the articles below for a stark reminder of how skewed and hypocritical the administration's...
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Rethinking Retirement Planning

There is an interesting and worthwhile article in Financial Planning that discusses the post-financial crisis retirement landscape. The author draws a picture of a new set of retirement norms for Baby Boomers and the generation following Boomers. Issues addressed include: Longevity . The financial crisis' impact on retirement planning . Sequence of returns risk . Social Security. Use of annuities. Employment in retirement. Recreation in retirement. Source: Financial Planning Full Story
