Life Expectancy

Life expectancy is a statistical measure that estimates how long a person is expected to live. It is computed for an individual or for classes of people such as women between the ages of 35-45. The statistic can be computed by taking into account family history, physical condition, nutrition, environment, lifestyle habits such as smoking, exercise, and sleep patterns. Insurance companies use life expectancy tables to calculate your premium as well as the payout that you get from your annuity. The longer you live, the longer you’re expected to continue living. Figuring out your life expectancy will give you an idea as to how much you need in retirement savings to ensure you don’t run out of money before your death. The IRS Publication 590 is a single life expectancy table.

Retirement Sustainability Report

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Longevity Report

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Congress is Considering Annuities to Help Retirees Address Longevity Risk

Through the Senate Special Committee on Aging, U.S. lawmakers and regulators have been conducting hearings focused on retirement security issues. The hearings are a follow-up to a recent request for comment on the same topic from the U.S. Labor and Treasury Departments.

Government Workers as the Fastest Growing Group of Millionaires

Forbes publisher Rich Karlgaard wrote an interesting and entertaining piece in his blog. Karlgaard discusses the growing disparity beteen the incomes of public sector or "government" workers versus their private sector counterparts. Many would assume that private sector employees are on the advantageous side of this disparity. This is not, however, the case.
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The Top Reasons to Consider an Annuity

Annuities are complex, largely misunderstood, and often misrepresented in popular financial media.

The reality, though, is that these financial products are becoming an increasingly important part of the financial plans of millions of people around the world.  In fact, annuities are a vital component of the...
