Gleaner Life

Gleaner Life Insurance Society is a company that has, since 1894, offered its clients financial advising and planning through the use of life insurance, annuities, IRAs, and other benefits. As a fraternal beneficiary society, Gleaner Life has been owned and governed by its members who are dedicated to making a difference for individuals and the communities in which they live and serve. Products offerings include: 1) Term Life Insurance: Under term life Insurance, coverage is offered for a specified period of time. In the event of death, the beneficiaries will receive the stated benefit payment. 2) Universal Life Insurance: ULI pays a death benefit to the named beneficiary and provides premium and face amount flexibility. It also provides market rates of interest on a customer's cash value account and tax deferred accumulation. 3) Whole Life: Whole life insurance is the most common type of permanent insurance. The policy provides a guaranteed death benefit along with guaranteed cash values. Part of each premium payment is applied to the policy's cash value account, which grows on a tax-deferred basis. 4) Variable Universal Life Insurance: VULI pays a death benefit to the named beneficiary and provides premium and face amount flexibility while giving the client more control of the tax-deferred cash value account. Customers direct the investment of the cash value account in investments such as money market, stock, and bond funds. 5) Fixed Annuity: A fixed annuity provides defined growth of principal and interest, free from taxes until money is withdrawn. Fixed annuities generally guarantee a fixed amount of interest for several years; others guarantee rates from one to three years, and renew at the option of the insurance company. 6) Retirement: Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, SEP IRA, and 401(k) plans are offered.
Gleaner Life Product Reviews
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General Information
TypeInsurance Company
Contact Information
Adrian Michigan, 49221-7984

Information & Articles about Gleaner Life

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