Warren Buffett

John Bogle Says Avoid the Stock Market if Your Time Horizon is Less than 10 Years

Vanguard founder John Bogle suggests that buy and hold investing is not dead. Similar to Warren Buffett, Bogle's preferred time horizon for equity investments is forever. Bogle urges caution for anyone who is thinking of investing in equity market with a time horizon of less than 10 years--which, by the way, would include almost all people who are approacing or in retirement: If you said "What kind of a time horizon should I have to be in the stock market?" If you are not in the stock market, I...

John Bogle on Buy and Hold Investing

John Bogle maintains his firm belief that a buy and hold strategy combined with low cost index funds results in the only reasonable approach for the individual investor: "Of course buy and hold is the thing to do. A genius like Jim Cramer hasn't gone anywhere for 10-14 years and few [managed] mutual funds have beaten the market indices during the same period. It's just market timing, and your good market timing is my bad market timing. [We invest within] a totally illogical system where we move...

Warren Buffett Comments on Social Security as a Form of a Nationalized Annuity

Warren Buffett had some comments on the life insurance and...

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